Chief Citizen

March 9, 2025   


Chief Citizen: The President serves as America's popular leader, educating us about important issues, leading by example and using his bully pulpit.

President Carter as Chief Citizen:

Jimmy Carter was most definately a man of the people. He and his family ran the White House informally as most Americans do their own homes. During Carter's presidency, he often made his own meals unlike other presidents and on innaguration day, he and Mrs. Carter got out of their limosine and, to everyone's surprise, walked down Pennsylvania Ave. to the White House. Carter delivered his first national television address on energy policy wearing a cardigan sweater as opposed to a suit. To address the energy crisis, he served as an example installing solar pannels on the White House for energy. He sent his daughter to public school in Washington, D.C. unlike most other presidents who send their children to private schools. Carter was even known for putting his feet up on the table when he would meet with certain people. His atmosphere was very casual and many Americans appreciated this.